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IEEE Signal Processing Society
Speech & Language Technical Committee

eNewsletter Home
SLTC e-Newsletter Staff
Mike Seltzer, MSR

Stephen Cox, Univ. of East Anglia
Brian Mak, HKUST

Staff Reporters:
Satanjeev Banerjee, CMU
Antonio Roque, USC
Svetlana Stenchikova, SUNY-Stonybrook

Steven Greenberg, Silicon Speech
Tim Paek, MSR
J Sherwani, CMU
Yonghong Yan, IOA-CAS
Jianping Zhang, IOA-CAS

SLTC e-Newsletter

Fall, 2007

Welcome to the Summer 2007 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech and Language Technical Committee (SLTC) e-Newsletter. The ICASSP deadline has passed and 691 papers have been submitted in the areas of Speech Processing and Spoken Language Processing. The SLTC along with much of the research community is busy with the review process.

This issue brings you the latest news in the speech and language research communities, featuring articles on the formation of a new SLTC Student Group, recent workshops and conferences, speech technology at the 2008 Olympics, and an introduction to SLT4D, speech and language technologies for the developing world.  One of our reporters also presents her thoughts on the 411 voice services offered by three major companies. We are also pleased to present the slides from the keynote address from Pierre-Yves Oudmeyer from Interspeech 2007.

We would like to say a big thank you to our external contributors to this issue: Steven Greenberg,  Tim Paek, J Sherwani,Yonghong Yan, and Jianping Zhang.

 As always, we welcome your contributions of news, events, publications, workshops, and career information to the newsletter.  Please send all articles, ideas, and feedback to the SLTC e-Newsletter Editorial Board [speechnewseds <at> ieee <dot> org].

The SLTC e-Newsletter Editorial Board
Mike Seltzer, Stephen Cox, and Brian Mak
[speechnewseds <at> ieee <dot> org]

Hey Students! Participation Opportunity: SLTC Student Group Forming
The SLTC is organizing a student group.  We are looking for graduate students who are motivated to be involved in service to the academic community. 

Speech Interfaces for Low-literate Users
Spoken language applications accessible over the telephone may be the key to providing information services to the low literate majority in the developing world. A subfield of ICT4D called SLT4D - speech and language technologies for development - is being developed to address these needs.

Researchers Discuss Discourse and Dialog at SigDial 2007
SIGDIAL 2007, the annual workshop for the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue organization, was held at the University of Antwerp, Belgium immediately following Interspeech 2007.

Keynote Address from Interspeech 2007
We are very happy to share with you the slides from one of the keynote addresses from Interspeech 2007, entitled "Self-Organization in the Evolution of Shared Systems of Speech Sounds: a Computational Study" give by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer from Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris.

411 Voice Interfaces: a user's perspective
Several commercial companies have recently launched a toll-free directory assistance (411) service driven by speech recognition. This article describes my informal exploration of the 411 systems from Free 411, TellMe/Microsoft and Google.

Multi-modal Multi-lingual Systems Developed for Beijing 2008 Olympics
A Prototype for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games was implemented at the Institute of Acoustics (IOA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The System is designed to provide live sports, and touring and traveling information of Beijing for visitors during 2008 Olympic Games.

Workshop Held on Temporal Dynamics in Speech and Hearing
Researchers at a recent workshop examined auditory mechanisms and higher cortical processing relevant to the analysis, decoding and interpretation of biologically relevant information in the temporal structure of acoustic signals.


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