Minutes of ICASSP 2000 Meeting, held 6 June 00 in Istanbul, Turkey

(Action items appear below in boldface) 

In attendance: Georgios Giannakis (chair), Alle-Jan van der Veen (minutes), Zhi Ding, Moeness Amin, Dirk Slock, Nicolas Sidiropoulos, Luc Vandendorpe, Pierre Duhamel, Philippe Loubaton, Sergio Barbarossa, Javier Fonollosa, Brian Sadler, Jitendra Tugnait, Ananthram Swami, Lang Tong, G. Tong Zhou, John Treichler.

  1. TC membership and representation
    Meeting began with an introduction of new TC members (Vandendorpe, Zhou, Sidiropoulos), and the new vice-chair (Van der Veen). One new TC member (Xia) was not attending the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously.

    SPCOM-TC representatives: current representatives are

    Zhou volunteered to represent SPCOM in the conference board, since she is already secretary at that meeting. Fonollosa will represent SPCOM at the education committee.

    Expert Speaker for ICASSP-2000 is Slock (impromptu, no material was sent around). Expert speaker for ICASSP-2001 will be Sidiropoulos.

    New TC members with the following expertises are desired: compression, source and channel coding, networking, implementations.

  2. SPCOM Webpage is now maintained by Zhou. Additional items that may be included are: forms for nominating new TC members, list of expertise for each TC member. A suggestion to include links to relevant publications was dismissed.

  3. ICASSP reviews: The electronic review system used for ICASSP-2000 was generally working satisfactory. Suggestions for enhancements to ICASSP-2001 committee: In general, SPCOM received an increasing number of papers. More reviewers are needed for the industry track: reviewing is harder because how can one judge if a design works? Another note to future ICASSP organizers: SPCOM-TC meeting are often scheduled coinciding with the AE lunch meeting. Since there is a large overlap (at least 9 members are also AEs), this is undesired.

  4. Pool of associate editors: Tong presented a list of 10 potential candidates. After pruning and voting, 4 could be added to our pool.

  5. Awards:
    Nobody contributed nominations for the IEEE level awards (deadline 15 June) so that we will miss this opportunity.
    September 15 is the deadline for the SP-level major and paper awards (including society, technical achievement, and service awards). We will finalize nominations and vote on those during our Sept. 1-8 e-mail meeting. Swami and Van der Veen will solicit, gather nominations for deserving individuals and will coordinate the review and voting processes. Target is to obtain a good pool of papers and have maximal endorsement for the final selection.


    Starting next year, we will start the award selection procedure by April 2 for all paper categories, so that we can vote during ICASSP.

  6. SPCOM conferences:

  7. Additional discussion:

  8. Future meetings: